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The Jacek Malczewski Museum in Radom


The Mueum can painting XIX and XX age. Painting XIX - eternal works represent arystów from lace-up with Varsovian environment such how W. Gerson, itp. Polish monachjczycy prezetowani are paintings: W. Maleckego, itp.

The gatherings the Paint and the Graphic art the embrace 646 rysunko of graphic arts, watercolours, pastels, from XVII till XX age. It overweighs Polish authors' work. Artistic craft calculates 235 position. They overweigh the part of gathering state the ceramics of Polish factories and strange. The recepient's interest be pleases recently repaired particularly and complex about new expositions of John's Museum Kochanowskiego in Czarnolesie. They in czarnoleskim museum be hold well-known in whole Poland of event how np. the poetical competition the "Dban of czarnoleskiego honey" and "Night the Świetojańską"

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Rynek street 11
26-600 Radom
Latitude and Longitude: 51.4026,21.1422
Fax+48 364836234
Instant MessagingFB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Muzeum-im-Jacka-Malczewskiego-w-Radomiu/154235564635884